Family Enrichment and Urban Gardens

Even though snow may garnish sidewalks during these cool months, it isn’t too early to begin thinking about creating your NYC urban garden with your children. Having an outdoor garden is a perfect activity for families to do together while learning about nature and making healthy eating choices.

The average day for any 21st century family is plagued with arduous schedules, hours of work and little spare time to relax the mind and nourish our souls. It’s time that we get back to nature with our children and ourselves. According to a study done at the University of Colorado at Denver gardening provides life long benefits for children of all ages and brings back family bonding time.

Healthy Eating:  According to the Center for Disease Control, childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. Learning healthy eating habits is more important than ever and helping in the garden will do just that. When children take part in growing herbs and vegetables they learn about healthy choices and are more likely to make positive choices. Choosing colorful vegetables like purple cauliflower, white carrots or something unusual may make them more adventurous eaters as well.

Learning About Nature: Children learn best when they get their hands dirty. Sifting through dirt and finding worms, watching seeds turn into plants and plucking them to cook something tasty is a great way to learn about nature. Working in nature also instills a sense of responsibility and reminds us of simple beauty. Have children keep journals to draw their observations. Kick The Screen! Allow creativity and curiosity to blossom while outdoors.

Allow children to design simple landscapes and choose vegetables, flowers and herbs they would like to plant to get creative juices flowing.

Working in nature is also proven to promote calmness and contemplation. Create a special nook within the garden to allow for quiet reading, writing or reflection time that will also spark your young one’s mind far greater than a computer screen will. Family Bonding: When you plant a garden together, it allows for family bonding. Create a schedule with your children on days that you will spend 30 minutes out in the garden. Teach responsibility by having children, water, and fertilize or weed the garden on specific days. Spend time with your children by teaching them the proper ways to care for plants.Your Manhattan florist is a perfect place to start discussing your urban garden. Having a beautiful outdoor space will benefit everyone in the family, including mother earth.

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