NYC Urban Gardens: The Key To A Healthy Lifestyle

Are you trying to create a happier, healthier life for yourself and your family? What you need is an NYC urban garden.

The first way an NYC urban garden can help you enjoy a healthier lifestyle is by providing you with nutritious food. A new trend that is steadily gaining strength is edible landscaping, where plants that produce fruit and vegetables you can eat are incorporated into your overall NYC urban garden design. You don’t need a lot of space to make this happen. The National Garden Association reports that you can expect around ½ pound of produce from a single square foot of your urban garden.

NYC Urban Gardens: Delight the Eye and The Palate

Best of all, some of the most popular edible plants are also extremely attractive. Lemon and orange trees, which can be container grown in our region, are breathtakingly beautiful, especially when they’re laden with fresh, juicy fruit! Tomatoes were grown as strictly ornamental plants for ages, during a time when people were convinced the lush, red fruit was dangerous. Today, you can pick and choose plants for your NYC urban garden based upon what you like to eat and what you like to see; who doesn’t cheer up when facing a planter full of sweet strawberries?

One concern many of us have is what, exactly, goes into the food we eat every day. With NYC urban gardens, you gain control over your diet. You know that the food you’re enjoying is grown without harmful chemical pesticides, for example. Choosing heirloom varieties of your favorite vegetables means you avoid genetically modified foods.Your NYC urban garden designer can help you create a space that is both pleasant and productive – that won’t require hours of back-breaking work on your part.

Being outside, enjoying the sights and smells of your garden reduces your stress, tension and anxiety. This is good for your physical and emotional health. The ability to relax and unwind is the perfect antidote to our hectic, on-the-go lifestyles.Ready to get started? Now is the time to begin creating the happy, healthy life you want!

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