Spring in the NYC Urban Garden
At last! Spring is here. The crocuses were the first to arrive, poking their little purple blooms through the (hopefully!) last of the snow. Daffodils, cheery yellow heralds of the sun, come next, and then tulips. It’s a great time to be an urban gardener.Now, we have had some tumultuous weather this year. It’s not beyond the bounds of possibility that there are some cold nights still in our future.
Our unsettled weather patterns are leaving us with an April that is in many ways like March: unpredictable! You may be wondering if it’s too soon to put plants out on your balcony or patio or to start working in your NYC urban garden. If you’ve started any plants from seed, you’ll want to shelter them indoors just a little longer. Hardier, more established plants will enjoy the warm sun, but you may want to bring them in or cover them overnight.It’s a good time to concentrate on any trees, shrubs and bushes you have established in your NYC urban garden.
Look them over, removing any protective burlap or wraps you may have used for winter protection. How are the branches? If you see major broken limbs or significant damage from winter storms or heavy snows, it’s a good idea to give your NYC urban garden expert a call for advice. In some cases, strategic pruning is called for. In more drastic circumstances, it may be time to choose a new shrubbery or specimen tree.Now is also a great time to begin the groundwork for the glorious green space you’ll enjoy when the good weather is here to stay.
Talk to your NYC urban garden designer about transforming the porch, patio or rooftop you have into the glorious restful retreat you’ll want. Good garden design works to enhance your lifestyle, whether that means playing with your kids or entertaining colleagues under the stars. Get started now!